MQM Exposed - MINI Fact sheet of MQM's crimes.
Year-wise Details of MQM’s Atrocities (Crimes of Muttahida Qaumi Movement: MQM)
- Mohajir Qaumi Movement Fact Sheet
- 40 Arrests & Arms Recovery From Mqm Workers During December 1998 To February 1999
- 59 MQM’s New Drama and The Real Cause of MQM-PML Hostility
- 75 Nazeer Naji Confesses PMLN & Shareef Brethren Helped MQM in 1992
- 78 Jinnah Pur & MQM: Major Nadeem Dar also Reveals Stunning Facts
- 80 Where PPP, PML-N and MQM Stood on Jinnahpur in 1992
- 83 MQM killed 650+ Sind Police Officers
- 88 Judge orders deportation of Pakistani party chief
- MQM accused of killing thousand
- Year-wise Details of MQM’s Atrocities (Crimes of Muttahida Qaumi Movement: MQM)
All this were based on newspapers dailies Jang, Jasarat, The News , The Muslim, Nawa-I-Waqt, Frontier Post , The Nation, Dawn , Jang, Pakistan Times and others. 1986 MQM’s first-ever public meeting at Karachi’s Nishtar park on August 8, 1986, was marked by heavy aerial firing from the; pistolsand rifles which the party activists were carrying on them. On that day, windowpanes of a traffic police kiosk opposite Quaid-e-Azam’s mausoleum were broken, and stones were pelted on petrol pump near Gurumandir. Addressing the rally, Altaf Hussain said: “Karachi is no more mini-Pakistan. We will accept help no matter where it comes from, from east or west, north or south” (dailies Jang, Jasarat and other newspapers of August 9, 1986). Two months later, on October 25, 1986, while addressing a press conference at Hyderabad Press Club, Altaf Hussain told the Mohajir youth to “collect arms. If our rights are not given to us, we will use every kind of force”. On October 31, while addressing a public meeting at Hyderabad’s Pakka Qila, he said: “At first we fought for freedom. Now that we have freedom, weare searching for a country” (daily Amn, Nov 1, 1986). Riots broke out in Karachi the same evening. Twelve persons were killed, 25 wagons, autorickshaws and motorbikes were set on fire, and four houses and eight shops were torched.
Dividing between them the affairs of urban and rural Sindh, Altaf Hussain ran the province of Sindh according to the menial whims and wildest fancies. This was also the year when for the first time dissent within the MQM grew open and strong. Afaq Ahmad and his friends were declared traitors and their sentence specified. The slogan “Quaid’s traitor deserves death” became the graffiti of every wall and the banner of every apartment house. MQM’s death squads were pulled back from the fronts against other races and turned against their own people. Altaf Hussain’s own nerves creaked under the threatof dissent, and he left Nine-Zero to take refuge in Abbasi Shaheed hospital on the ruse of a bad kidney. Security matters were taken back from the increasingly suspect party organization and placed in the care of more loyal APMSO. As the crisis grew, so did the need to enhance personal charisma. This waswhen the stories of miracles in Saudi Arabia got currency, and the “saint” leader’s images, complete with the mustaches and dark sunglasses, started appearing ontree leaves and mosque tiles. To convince the Punjabis of the spellbinding power of the Pir over his followers, a group of 37 MQM MNAs and MPAs was dispatched to Lahore Press Club to read before the journalists a written oath of allegiance. The test, which was not allowed to be circulated in Karachi, repeatedly referred to the “blind faith” of individual members in the leadership of Altaf Hussain. The press conference was held on July 25, a day after Lahore high court ordered the release of Afaq Ahmad and others. The press conference went on for two and a half hours, and all this while a telephone was available to Altaf Hussain in Abbasi Shaheed Hospital to hear the proceedings live (dailies Jang and Nawa-I-Waqt Lahaore, July 26, 1991). All the 37 members individually read their oaths before the newsmen. Dr Farooq Sattar said, “if I commit treachery against the Qauid, I will have denied my paternity”. Wasim Ahmad said, “if I go against the Qauid. I may not be of my mother” (daily Nawa-I-Waqt Lahroe, July 26, 1991). 14 When the newsmen objected that they could not sit through the statements, which were more or less alike, some MQM members retorted by saying, “once we get a foothold in Lahore, then you will sit and listen, like they do in Karachi”. This led to a number of journalists walking out of the press conference in protest. Late in the evening of July 27, Pir Pagara’s sin-in-law, Salim Malik, was assassinated while returning from Gadani. The poor man died because the assassins thought it was Afaq Ahmad and his friendsentering into Karachi from Balochistan. Two days later, the police for the murder arrested MQM terrorist, Iqbal Chand. 1991 was, therefore, the year in which it became clear that MQM would not change its character, no matter who ruled the country. It showed itself to be a pressure group, which used Mohajirs to blackmail governments for attaining individual objectives and eliminating opponents. Itlaunches bloody movements against governments, which wouldn’t pay it any attention, and keeps on tenterhooks those which are willing to get cozy. MQM’s bully also took Karachi’s press to task. Whenthe press started reporting even half-truths about MQM, the gunmen went into action. Known journalist Maulana Salahuddin’s house was set on fire long before he was finally assassinated.
Daily Dawn, eveninger “Star” and monthly “Herald” were prevented from distribution. Copies of dailies” Jang” and “The News” were burnt in thousands, and MQM chairman, Azim Tariq, openly threatened journalists when he said in a public meeting that they should “keep their Ka’aba in the right direction”
Zafar Abbas, Kamran Khan, Nafisa Hoodbhai and other journalists were attacked. During this year, when MQM was in power and had itsministers both in Islamabad and In Sindh, 27 police officers that refused to sidestep the law were murdered.
On February 20, MQM’s 28 MPA’s expressed their confidence in altaf Hussain’s leadership by submitting their resignations to chairman Azim Ahmad Tariq. On February 21, the federal government indefinitely postponed the holding of population census
On March 3, MQM MPA Arif Siddiqui tried to attack MQM’s estranged member, Shamim Ahmad, inside the assembly building. Local bodies’ minister, Nadir Magsi, prevented the attack by coming in the way. The scheming MQM’s members later tactfully drew his armed guards into an ugly conflict. Although Nadir Magsi tried his utmost to avoid scandalous fallout, defending an overtly offensive Arif Siddiqui against his own guards, MQMhad succeeded in creating an issue (The Frontier Post Lahore, March 4, 1994). MQM activists burnt three vehicles in protest over this incident, and killed two persons in Liaquatabad where an Eid bazaar was in progress. Four persons were wounded in that attack. Life was disrupted in Karachi. Three days later, an MQM death squad, headed by Kamran Jaffery, put fiveRangers and police officials, including a captain of Pakistan Army, against the wall in Baldia town and pumped hundreds of bullets into them. The grouplater shamelessly denied any involvement in this incident. In order to boostits strength, MQM called a strike on March 27 in which tree persons were killed and 17 vehicles burnt. On April 13, on a telephonic address to audience inAzizabad’s Khurshid Begum Complex, Altaf Hussain said, “If Sindh is divided, we won’t be responsible for it”. He further said: “Friends. Listen to me carefully. Those of you who were given receipts for contributions should deposit thesums with sector incharge. If the sector people are listening let them send it tome in London. Some sectors haven’t sent me their zakat and fitra deposits. If you don’t send it, you won’t get 21 new receipts. Understand? For God’s sake expedite the transfer of money, these contributions are the secret of our success. And listen, help the circulation of daily “Amn”. Read every word of the statements published in this newspaper. And one more thing, our comrades are in jails. Sendcontributions for them too. I want to help them. On April 26, MQM launched is campaign to offer voluntary arrests, but it fizzled out in three days. On April 29, two persons were killed during a clash between the police and MQM activists. Many policemen were wounded in the clash. During yet another telephonic address, the Pir who cast his spell from across seven seas was saying, “carry your excesses to the limit. But Mohajirs will not break. Sindh will break”. Up to May 4, six people died in rioting in Gulbahar,
Dr Farooq Sattar got released on parole. (The News, 20-1-97) On 20th Jan, MQM’s National Assembly candidate fromRahim Yar Khan Javed Mazari was arrested along with one MQM worker. (The Muslim 21-1-97) The election campaign of same MQM who not only a week before demanded to disarm all the political groups in Karachi, took bloody turn as both factions of MQM resorted to violence against each other. Many people were shot dead and both factions blamed each other for shooting and killing people. (Pakistan Observer 26-1-97) On one hand MQM-A put the allegation of worst rigging in Karachi during elections (The Muslim) On the other hand on the base of same election results they started trying for Chief Minister slot in Sindh. (The News 18-2 97). On 12th April, three MQM (H) workers killed and oneinjured in different incidents of terrorism by the rival faction MQM (A). (The News Rawalpindi 13-4-97) On 14th April, Karachi once again apprehended by a bitter faction fighting between two MQM factions. (Frontier Post Peshawar 15-4-97) On 16th April, two MQM (H) activists killed by MQM (A) activists. (The News, Rawalpindi 16-4-97) On 2nd May, over 500 MQM (H) activists rounded up. (The Nation Islamabad 3-5-97). On 4th May, 70 more Haqiqi activists arrested. (Nation Islamabad 5-5-97). On 17th May 1997 Akhtar Payams wrote in an article “ MQM must acknowledge realities” in DAWN in which he said, 35 “Fantasies have no place in politics. Daydreams maysustain some individuals for some time, but they cannot be converted into hard realities. The remaining of the MQM cannot work wonders”. On 23rd May, PML (N) MNAs from Sindh showed the signs of unrest on the” aggressive attitude” of MQM who was also the coalition partners of PML at that time. (The News, Rawalpindi 24 -4- 97) On 10th June, 12 people killed in a wave of violence in Karachi- MQM (A) blamed for it. (The Muslim Islamabad 11-6-97). On 17th June 1997 Altaf asks workers to close down all its liaison offices. (The Nation, Islamabad 18-6-97). On the same day four persons shot dead in Karachi and both factions of MQM blamed each other as usual for it. (N.Waqt, Rawalpindi 18-6-97). On 18th June, Government once again invited MQM fortalks, as it believes in negotiations and non-violence. (Dawn, Karachi 19-6-97). On 18th June, MQM wants army to replace rangers andnow the same MQM criticizing rangers. (19-6-97 The Muslim Islamabad). On 21st June, MQM asked its MNA, Kanwar Khalid to explain the statement in which he called for the deployment of troops in Karachi. (22-6-97 The News Rawalpindi). According to an MQM press release faxed from Londondated May 28th, Altaf Hussain told a party rally in Birmingham hat the MQM was neither against the army nor against any nationality of Pakistan. (24-6-97 The News, Rawalpindi). On 29th June, one MQM (H) activist arrested on the charges of attacking MQM-A office. (The Muslim Islamabad 30-6-97). On 6th July four persons including a bridegroom killed in violence in Karachi and once again MQM (A) held responsible for it. (The Muslim, Islamabad 7-6-97). On 8th July, PM urges MQM to increase cooperation with government once again. On 9th July, three MQM workers arrested on Pak-Afghan border. (Jang, Rawalpindi 10-7-97). 36 MQM decided to oppose the anti-terrorist laws proposed by government, which wants to enforce in a bid to weed out terrorism from the country, reported B.B.C. (Nation, Islamabad 17-7-97). Altaf Hussain summoned top MQM leadership to Londonfor some “crucial decisions”. (Pakistan Observer Islamabad 23-7-97). In its editorial The Muslim Islamabad wrote on July24 “After investigations stretching over many days, intelligence agencies have held the MQM (A) responsible for the murder of the KESE, Shahid Hamid, his bodyguard a driver.” On 26th July, MQM changed its face and name once again and this time renamed as (Muhttaida Qaumi Movement”. (The Nation/The Muslim, Islamabad 27-7-97). Aziz Bughio wrote in his article “what if name changed!” that change in the name is not a very optimistic thing “Unless the MQMcharges its designs and approach to politics” (The Muslim, Islamabad, 3-8-97) This all turned out to be very true. On 5th August,MQM (H) activists looked for DSP’s murder. (The News, Rawalpindi 6-8-97). On 14th August, MQM rejected bill on terrorism. (Dawn, Karachi 5-8-97) MQM’s armed terrorists kidnapped the workers of Jamaat Islami and left near graveyard after threatening and torturing them. (Jasarat Karachi, 2-9-97). On 7th September, Syed Ishtiq Azhar, Convenor, coordination committee been renamed from part convenership on serious violations of party disciplines. (The Muslim, Islamabad 8-9-97) “The News” wrote on 9th September “Ishtiaq forced to resign for links with MQM-H” (The News, Rawalpindi 9-9-97). On 10th September, 20 MQM Haqiqi activists arrested. (The Muslim Islamabad 11-9-97) Ishtiaq reactivates Mohajir Rabita Council, which was merged, with the Altaf led MQM way back in 1991.
(Dawn, Karachi 15-9-97) 37 MQM (H) asked British government to oust Altaf Hussain alias Adolf Hitler from London. (The Nation, Islamabad 28-9- 97).
MQM faction pitched battles, in which three killed, 6 vehicles set ablaze. (Frontier Post, Peshawar 3-10-97). MQM feared Haqiqi attacks on Liaquatabad. (Dawn, Karachi 4-10-97) On 8th October 1997 MQM-A demanded the arrest of MQM (Haqiqi) official Tehseen Zafar who had been sent by his party to open an office in London, they also called him drug smuggler.
ANTI MEDIA ACTIVITIES OF MQM Altaf and his MQM were asked by the government to renounce its policy of press censorship, and publicly declare that it will not use threats and direct or indirect pressure to influence the print media. Altaf’s MQM is perhaps the first “political “ partyin the world which clamped an across the board censorship on newspapers and kept breathing down the editor neck for more than four years. Hitler had said, “Newspapers should not be allowed to ride popular will”. Altaf and MQM followed this dictum to a tee. The code of censorship, which MQM designed under the able guidance of Altaf Hussain for the newspapers of Karachi, was impeccably complete.
In Karachi June 24-26. At least 67 people died in strike-related violence during the protest. Medical reports on the alleged victim
A big lie of General Naseer Akhter and Brig Imtiaz regarding map of Jinnahpur, as they also had no knowledge! In 1989, as a Captain I was posted to B Company 50 Wing Bhittai Rangers district center Karachi in aidof civil administration. At that time MQM terrorist activities were on the top. I was local area force commander located in KDA office Liaqutabad and was responsible for almost entire district centre, where MQM leader was living(90) and had headquarter (89) in Al-kerm squire adjacent to my company location. I was the most active and well known officer at that time, because of my actions against all sorts of criminals. I had so much knowledge of the area, upon which general officer commanding major General Saleem Malik was assisted by me for the recce of the area. None of the IB person came forward or had theknowledge of the area, as they did not dare to enter the area being controlled by MQM. Whereas IB personal have been making their reports after getting the information from us, while sitting their offices. MQM never spared any intelligence agencies personal, if ever entered to their area, thus they had very little knowledge about offices and torture cells of MQM on ground and a very little knowledge about MQM activities. Thus how it was possible for Brig Imtiaz to investigate the map of Jinnahpur? How he confirm that it was not the actual? What were his resources, where as I was never contacted, since I recovered this map along with many other documents from Al-kerm squire. I did not have any enmity with MQM or with any other political parties or criminals, but was doing best by performing my duties. I never saw that General Naseer Akhter or Brig Imtiaz ever visited our area.During this operation clean up our 50 Wing Bhittai ranger was placed under command of Brig Usmani, who later became corps commander the same corps, which was commanded by Lt Gen Naseer Akhter. Lt Gen (rtd) Muzaffar Hussain Usmani knows all about our raid to al-kerm squire (89) and Azizabad (90). He also knows about all the torture cells we found and were shown on PTV. We recovered lot of arms and ammunition from different offices of MQM. I also served as General Staff Officer-II (IS) with General Saleem Hayder, who became GOC after General Saleem Malik. He also has been appreciating my knowledge and experience. On 28 May I arrested APMSO leader Shahood Hashmi from Karachi Poly Technical College, on which MQM boycotted Nation assembly budget session in 81 protest. FIR was launched against him in SITE police station. But I was forced to leave this criminal. My action was appreciated by General Officer Commanding Saleem Malik. Yes, that was the time once Major Naeem from IB contacted me and passed me a threat of General Naseer Akhter andPresident Ghulam Ishaq Khan, that if I will not leave Shahood Hashmi then I could be in civil cloth next day. Is it justice that a criminal, who was responsible for killing many innocents, especially students of JI in the same college from where he was arrested? Is it justice that a criminal, who scuffled with me and torn my military uniform, which belongs to the people of Pakistan? In May I received credible reports about Karachi Sarafa Market, that there is lot of smuggling gold and Indian currency and then a plan was made, which later was discussed with Lt gen (rtd) Naseer Akhter by mycommanding officer Lt Col Farooq Sultan and I was also sitting in that meeting. Lt Gen (rtd) Naseer Akhter permitted us and finally whole 50 Wing Bhittai Rangers along with police and magistrate executed a successful raid and seized a huge amount of Indian currency and Gold. Immediately after that the Sarafa union went on strike, where as the currency and the gold was deposited with custom after registration of the case under custom acts against Haji Ilyas. We were offered a bribe for not registering the case, but we refused. On the other hand these union people met Gen Naseer Akhter, who ordered us to hand over all seized items and release Haji Ilyas. Lt Gen (rtd) Naseer ordered an enquiry against the whole raiding party, including the magistrate also. I was the only officer among the whole raiding party who made a statement against Gen Naseer Akhter. At later many time I was asked to change the statement, but I didnot. This enquiry can be found from the official documents. I got the information that Sarafa Union gifted him one land cruiser and to this effect I made the same statement at that time. Now the question comes that if my statement could have been wrong then why he did not ordered for my court martial.
The information here is distorted.. We all know Jinnahpur was a plot against if you use that for your argument... I can't give your information credibility. It's time to expose corruption WITHOUT BIAS/HATRED/SECTARIAN Difference. Expose corruption for the sake for a better pakistan.. if you do it to crush someone u dislike b/c of their background...this will not be a good thing for Pakistan in the future. Thanks
ReplyDeleteDuring Operation Clean-up, MQM was accused of being anti-Pakistan and of planning a separatist break-away state 'Jinnahpur'. However, later the senior army officers involved confessed that Jinnahpur was "nothing but a drama" against MQM for the military operation and there was no map of Jinnahpur.[29][30]
ReplyDeleteThe IJI government (an alliance of Pakistan Muslim League-N, Jamaat-i-Islami and other smaller religious parties) led by Nawaz Sharif at the time, completely denied the Jinnahpur saga.[31] In Pakistan on October 19, 1992 newspapers carried an ISPR press release, conveying Army’s denial of the knowledge of the Jinnahpur plan.
The ISPR, the public relations arm of the Pakistan Army stated, "The Army had no evidence concerning the so-called Jinnahpur plan, it is clarified that the newspaper story in question is baseless. The Army has neither handed over to the government any document or map as reported, not is it in possession of any evidence concerning the so-called Jinnahpur Plan. It is also factually wrong that the matter was discussed at any meeting of the corps commander.”[31] Asif Zardari who is now President of Pakistan is said to have "said in a court premises in Karachi that the Jinnahpur scandal was created to malign the MQM."[31]
Director General Army Rangers Major-General Safdar Ali Khan and Colonel Commandant of V Corps Lieutenant General Naseer Akhtar at the time, maintain that Jinnahpur maps were indeed recovered but such reports were refuted under pressure of political leadership.
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